Felix 28kb Felix 6kb Katze 6kb Katze 10kb Katze 5kb Katze 15kb Katze 13kb Katze 3kb

Cats are the most beautiful and charming animals, that exist.


Here now two self-made animated gifs, that show, how a cat falls down:

Katzfall 28kb Katzfall 21kb


Now follow pictures of my cat Blacky, a circa 5-years-old female cat, that unfortunately died in October 2000.

Blacky00 4kb Blacky01 4kb Blacky02 4kb Blacky03 4kb Blacky04 4kb Blacky05 4kb


The neighbour tomcat visits me sometimes, who is probably a relative to Blacky (he comes from the same farm). In the early morning, he sometimes accompanies me to the bus stop:

Katerle 4kb Katerle 4kb Katerle 4kb


Here the two cats on one image:

Katzen 4kb

Meanwhile, I have got a new cat, a tomcat with the name "Leo":

Leo' s Page
